Smart Circuit Board Design to Minimize PCB Assembly Cost

Where you purchase, your PCB will determine how much you pay for it. Hence this is a significant factor to consider.

Generally, Printed Circuit boards will sell at a higher cost in America and Europe. However, if you opt to make your PCB purchase from an Asian company, you will most likely get a fair deal. To be precise, if you find a Chinese manufacturer willing to assemble your PCB, go for it; this will save you tons of money.

Moreover, most Chinese Printed Circuit Board manufacturers guarantee fast delivery time. In most scenarios, the delivery time of a manufacturer in china is at most 24 hours. Therefore, going with Fubon Precision Electronics will also help you get your PCB in time.

Additionally, if you purchase your Printed Circuit Boards from a local manufacturer, you will save on shipping costs. Moreover, if you can easily access your manufacturer that means that you will be able to follow up on the progress of the assembly process with ease. And you can also negotiate the assembly price to get a price that suits your needs. However you have to compare prices of different local PCB manufacturers before you decide to settle on one.


Reducing PCB assembly cost is often a crucial goal in electronics manufacturing. Here are some smart circuit board design strategies to minimize PCB assembly costs:

Component Count and Complexity:

Minimize the number of components by choosing integrated circuits and components with multiple functions.

Simplify the overall design to reduce assembly time and complexity.

Standard Components:

Use standard, readily available components to take advantage of economies of scale.

Avoid custom or specialized components that may increase costs.

Optimized PCB Size:

Design the PCB to be as small as possible while still accommodating the required components and functionality.

Smaller PCBs typically result in lower material costs.

Single-Layer PCBs:

If possible, design the PCB as a single-layer board. This reduces manufacturing and assembly costs compared to multi-layer boards.

Use double-sided or multi-layer PCBs only when necessary for the complexity of the circuit.

Design for Panelization:

Arrange PCBs on panels effectively to maximize the number of boards produced in a single manufacturing run.

Panelization helps reduce production costs per board.

Minimize Special Processes:

Avoid special or complex assembly processes that may increase costs.

Design for processes that are standard and widely used in PCB assembly.

Surface Mount Technology (SMT):

Use surface mount components over through-hole components when possible. SMT components are faster and cheaper to assemble.

Opt for larger surface mount components to reduce the risk of errors during assembly.

Assembly-Friendly Components Placement:

Group components logically to minimize assembly time.

Place components in a way that allows for efficient pick-and-place machine operation.

Simplified Silkscreen and Markings:


Simplify the silkscreen layer to reduce printing complexity.

Clearly label critical components without unnecessary details.

Design for Automated Testing:

Include test points for automated testing to reduce the time required for quality control.

Implement a test strategy that ensures the highest coverage with minimal testing time.

Avoid Excessive Rework:

Design the PCB to minimize the chances of errors and the need for rework during the assembly process.

Ensure proper spacing and clearance to avoid soldering issues.

Use DFM Guidelines:

Follow Design for Manufacturability (DFM) guidelines provided by your PCB manufacturer.

Collaborate with the manufacturer to optimize the design for their assembly processes.

Consider Alternate Materials:

Explore cost-effective materials that meet the electrical and thermal requirements of the design.

Opt for standard PCB thicknesses and materials to avoid additional costs.

Optimize Trace Width and Spacing:

Use standard trace widths and spacings to avoid additional manufacturing costs.

Optimize copper weight based on the actual requirements of the design.

Local Sourcing:

Consider sourcing components and PCB manufacturing locally to reduce shipping costs and potential delays.


By implementing these strategies, you can create a cost-effective PCB design that aligns with the capabilities of your PCB assembly partner and minimizes manufacturing expenses. Regular communication with your PCB manufacturer is key to ensuring that your design is optimized for cost-efficient assembly.viagra generika