How to better choose the best professional Printed Circuit Board Manufacturer

Whether someone already has an assortment of circuit designs ready to be added to printed circuit boards (PCB) or they are just starting on a set of designs, they must choose a reliable, experienced company to take their design and make it functional on quality boards. The company they choose should act as a partner in ensuring their boards do everything they need them to do to bring a product to market.

They should get quality work with a quick turnaround time while having someone they can talk to who helps ensure they stay competitive against other companies. However, knowing what they need from the PCBs for their circuit designs doesn’t always mean it’s easy to immediately find the right company to step into their corner. We’ll share a few tips to make that process easier


How Much Experience Does the Company Have?

Experience is important for any product or service that someone chooses to pay for, whether that’s a car repair or PCBs to fit their circuit designs. When it comes to printed circuit boards, a manufacturer’s experience is essential to ensure customers get boards that are right for their needs. Knowing how much experience a company has will give insight into how many resources they have and what amount of knowledge is available. It also shows competence if a PCB company has been in business for a long time. That means they have adapted to the times and continuously put out great products.


What Certifications Does the Company Have?

This is another question that can speak to how qualified a company is with PCBs for a person’s circuit design. Certifications typically require a third party to verify that the company complies with certain standards or requirements. For example, IPC creates standards with regards to PCBs and industries related to electronics manufacturing. Any company someone decides to work with should be capable of meeting the standard required by their products and industry. This includes broad regulations as well as those that apply only to their industry. The best choice is a company that has experience working with other people in the same industry.


How Does the Company Stand Out?

This might seem like a broad question that could have any number of answers, but it can help people narrow down the right business to help with their product. This is especially the case when they have a few options for companies that offer all the services and products that they need. This question can be as simple as asking what makes the business different from others or can delve into what value-added services are provided. For example, Fubon Precision can help with their circuit designs by providing free PCB design and file check software which will save customers money and time.


Services Available

In addition to products, people should consider services that they might need. If the company offers everything they need, they won’t have to go between businesses to get their product ready. Some of the services that should be considered are:

Prototyping – Ability to create prototype PCBs before moving into production so customers can reduce costs and time frame through thorough testing.

Layout and Design Services – These can speed up their production by offering a complete design or providing software to make someone’s own designs.

File Review – File reviews can help by ensuring a design is free of errors and that the company has all of the needed components to start creating its PCBs.

SMT Prototype Stencils – Stencils are laser cut and made of stainless steel foil to ensure the solder is placed in the right areas of the PCB. The stencil helps with accurate circuit designs.

Other services that can be helpful include DXF to Gerber conversion, panelization, and PCB design for manufacturing services.



We Fubon Precision, a leading PCB manufacturer in China, has been engaged in PCB design for nearly 13 years. We own all expertise and tools required to complete powerful HDI PCB design, our team of experts has served customers from various industries ranging from medical, and consumer electronics, to automotive, and IoT. Contact us to get reliable PCB design services